Making technology work for people
Custom websites, mobile apps & digital marketing
We build high-speed loading websites, beautiful and intuitive mobile applications, recruitment and work management platforms, CRMs, CMS, referral mechanisms, live dashboards that save hours of daily reporting and we solve many more digitization needs a company might have. We provide all the services needed to launch a digital product: from name creation, visual identity, necessary texts on the website, representative images, SEO, content marketing and digital marketing.
We are an agile tech company born to automate repetitive steps to save our customers time and money. We develop custom web platforms, mobile applications, SEO, profitable digital marketing strategies, social media posts and campaigns, video channel management and smart emails.
Our vision and strategy are backed up by more than 14 years of business management experience and together with passion for automation using efficient tech stack mix are quickly put to use to solve our customers' challenges.
Fresh roasted coffee eCommerce
Ready-to-use online store. From Kaffein story with their 4 generations of quality coffee roasting experts to visiting coffee shops with a creative photographer, an expert in small space and prod...
Drive more app installs
With over a thousand new apps published daily, it's nearly impossible to stand out in mobile app stores. We help you optimize your ASO (App Store Optimization) performance and increase your app'...
Tech Community
Loginro believes that Romania has the potential to be one of the strongest tech hubs in the world and they built the first community of tech professional...
Custom Websites
Creative and interactive website with a content management system built for our client's team that makes the content update process a very fast & eas...
Employer Branding & Digital Recruiting
Save important budgets through smart recruiting. A strong employer brand promotes the atmosphere/work environment and creates the desired perception among employees and potential candidates. Rel...
Shopper Satisfaction. Real time
Mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, survey management and real-time analytics to build a dialogue with each brand's customers. Often a reported prob...
Recruiting management automation
Automating the recruitment process from easy candidate registration, job presentation, job application, job application management by status, dynamic user communication in every recruitment step...
Ce este și cum funcționează Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Un WAF sau un firewall pentru aplicații web este un dispozitiv de securitate virtual sau un serviciu cloud conceput pentru a proteja organizațiile la nivelul aplicațiilor prin filtrarea, monitorizarea și analizarea traficului prin protocolul de transfer de hipertext (HTTP) și protocolul de transfer de hipertext securizat (HTTPS) între aplicațiile web și internet.
Ce limbaje de programare câștigă teren în 2023?
Plaja limbajelor de programare este în continuă schimbare și din ce în ce mai competitivă. În fiecare an apar noi limbaje, unele limbaje cresc sau scad în popularitate, iar cele mai populare limbaje de programare se schimbă. Vrem să-ți oferim o imagine de ansamblu asupra tendințelor actuale ale industriei și a câțiva factori care influențează tendințele de utilizare a limbajelor.
Pot fi înlocuiți developerii frontend de inteligența artificială?
Pe măsură ce complexitatea crește, inginerii software sunt asistați tot mai mult de instrumente inteligente de automatizare. Va duce această tendință în cele din urmă la preluarea dezvoltării software de către AI?